Title The stylistic representation of anxiety and desire in richard siken’s poetry collection “crush” /
Translation of Title Stilistinė nerimo ir troškimo reprezentacija Richardo Sikeno poezijos rinkinyje „Crush“.
Authors Kiškūnaitė, Goda
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] stylistics, poetry, contemporary poetry, anxiety, fear, panic, desire, Richard Siken, Crush, stilistika, poezija, šiuolaikinė poezija, nerimas, baimė, troškimas, Richardas Sikenas
Abstract [eng] Richard Siken’s poetry collection Crush (2005) is defined by critics and scholars in terms of one underlying emotion — panic. This poetry collection which has been awarded and nominated for many prizes, including but not limited to Yale Series of Younger Poets prize 2005, offers a deep look into the uncomfortable emotions experienced by the speaker of the poems. The feelings of anxiety, fear, panic and desire are the most prominent throughout the collection and often times intertwine and overlap. Richard Siken’s poetry collection Crush (2005) contains 21 poems. This research takes into account the poetry collection as a whole, however, since the research is limited in scope, 10 poems were selected in order to examine the stylistics of discomfort and desire in depth. These poems are — Scheherazade, Dirty Valentine, Little Beast, A Primer for the Small Weird Loves, I Had a Dream About You, Straw House, Straw Dog, Wishbone, Driving, Not Washing, The Dislocated Room and Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out. Therefore, this MA paper endeavours to investigate the way Richard Siken creates and conveys the uncomfortable and heavy feelings of anxiety, fear and panic and the feelings of desire via the stylistic devices. The analysis part of this paper is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the stylistic correlates of fear and panic, while the second addresses the stylistics of anxiety and the third part of the analysis is concerned with investigating the poetic stylistics of desire in Richard Siken’s poems in the poetry collection Crush (2005). Finally, the fourth part is devoted to the analysis of overlapping imagery of water and blood across the feelings of anxiety, fear, panic and desire in Siken’s debut poetry collection.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022