Title Budget law of the Republic of Lithuania under the influence of the European Union law /
Authors Sudavičius, Bronius
DOI 10.15290/acr.2021-2022.14-15.03
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Is Part of Annual Center Review.. Bialystok : University of Bialystok. 2022, no. 14-15, p. 22-28.. ISSN 1899-5942
Keywords [eng] budget ; budgetary framework ; budget law ; budget planning ; fiscal discipline ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the question of the impact of the European Union law on budget regulation in the law of the Republic of Lithuania after its accession to the European Union in 2004. The influence of the European Union law on the Lithuanian budget law is twofold - direct when the requirements of the relevant European Union legislation are transposed into national budget law, and indirect, when national budget law is changed during the harmonization of national tax laws with the requirements of the European Union law. As the article deals only with the aspects of direct impact, such questions, as harmonization of annual and medium-term budget planning, changes in the budget planning process, strengthening of fiscal discipline, the requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact and their implementation in national law are analysed in the article.
Published Bialystok : University of Bialystok
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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