Title On the polysemy of the Lithuanian UŽ: a cognitive perspective /
Authors Šeškauskienė, Inesa ; Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė, Eglė
DOI 10.4148/1944-3676.1101
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Is Part of The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication / University of Latvia: Perspectives on Spatial Cognition.. Manhattan, KS : Kansas State University: New Prairie Press. 2015, Vol. 10, p. [1-38].. eISSN 1944-3676
Keywords [eng] space ; polysemy ; Lithuanian ; cognitive linguistics
Abstract [eng] Adhering to the principle of motivated polysemy, this paper sets out to demonstrate how the principle works on interpreting numerous senses of the Lithuanian preposition už ‘behind, beyond’. The present investigation relies on the cognitive linguistic framework employed, first of all, by Lakoff (1987), Langacker (1987), Talmy (2000), Tyler and Evans (2003), Tyler (2012), who mainly worked on English, and such linguists as Tabakowska (2003, 2010), Shakhova and Tyler (2010), who attempted to investigate inflecting languages, such as Polish and Russian. Based on such semantic principles as types of Figure and Ground, their relationship (geometric, functional, etc.), contextual clues and pattern of usage, etc., the present paper demonstrates that the polysemy of už used with two cases, Genitive and Accusative, is not an array of arbitrary senses, but rather a motivated network. It posits a central sense of už based on Figure located in the back region of Ground. All other senses, namely, those of function, control, obstacle, sequential location, hiding and covering, boundary or border, spatial distance, temporal distance, quality distance, replacement, retribution and remuneration, benefactive, are directly or indirectly derived from the central sense.
Published Manhattan, KS : Kansas State University: New Prairie Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015
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