Title The evaluation of revasculariization methods for tibial arteries in patients with diabetes /
Translation of Title Cukriniu diabetu sergančių ligonių blauzdos arterijų kraujotaką atkuriančių metodų įvertinimas.
Authors Navickienė, Aušrinė
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Pages 58
Keywords [eng] pta ; tibial artery bypass ; critical limb ischemia ; thumb pressure
Abstract [eng] Up to date, there has been no research in Lithuania, which would analyse diabetic patients with tibial artery reconstructive procedures i.e. bypass surgery and angioplasty, following outcomes of these procedures and comparison of the results with disease-free control group. Globally this problem has already been analysed, though unfortunately the published results are quite contradictory and there is no agreement, which arterial reconstructive procedures are preferable for this group of patients. The aim of research was to evaluate early and late outcomes and affecting factors of tibial angioplasty as opposed to arterial bypass to tibial arteries for diabetic patients. In this paper, we analysed and compared treatment outcomes after 1 and 2 years of CLI for patient population with diabetes and disease-free one. We found that diabetes does not affect restoration of blood circulation to the lower leg arteries after reconstructive operations in the early postoperative period for patients with critical limb ischemia. Diabetes does have a tendency to worsen bypass function and long-term restoration of blood circulation after endovascular procedures. And also that for diabetic patients bypass functioning after two years is better than blood circulation restoration after endovascular procedures.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2015