Title Volumetric modification and processing of transparent media by inducing cracks in the material with laser beams of various spatial structure /
Translation of Title Skaidrių terpių tūrinis modifikavimas bei apdirbimas sukeliant medžiagos įtrūkius įvairios erdvinės sandaros lazerių pluoštais.
Authors Dudutis, Juozas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.384
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Pages 212
Keywords [eng] Laser Bessel beams ; asymmetrical beams ; glass processing ; bottom-up processing
Abstract [eng] In this thesis, the investigation of laser glass processing methods, based on material cracking, is presented. Two methods were investigated – intra-volume modification and mechanical separation, and bottom-up processing. It was demonstrated that glass scribing can be enhanced by inducing directional transverse cracks using axicon-generated asymmetrical Bessel-like laser beams. Experimental and theoretical research showed that such beams can be generated via aberration-control or angular spectrum modulation of the axicon-generated beam. In this work, the influence of the axicon shape and its rotation around the axis, perpendicular to the beam propagation axis, was investigated. Variously shaped amplitude and phase masks were investigated and compared. Laser-fabricated axicons were investigated as an alternative to traditional elements. High material removal efficiency over 100 µm3/µJ was demonstrated using the second method and nanosecond laser pulses or GHz bursts of picosecond pulses with the overall burst duration in the nanosecond scale. Technologies for cutting long contours, fabrication of chamfers and gas nozzles for laser-plasma accelerators were developed. Developed laser processing methods were thoroughly compared to traditional by evaluating the quality and flexural strength of cut samples.
Dissertation Institution Valstybinis mokslinių tyrimų institutas Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022