Title The ā-stem genitive singular in Old Prussian /
Translation of Title Prūsų kalbos ā kamieno vienaskaitos kilmininkas.
Authors Villanueva Svensson, Miguel Karl
DOI 10.15388/Baltistikos_platybese.2022.23
ISBN 9786090707869
eISBN 9786090707876
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Is Part of Baltìstikos platýbėse. Baltų kalbotyros straipsnių rinkinys, skirtas prof. Bonifaco Stundžios 70 metų jubiliejui / Sudarė: Agnė Navickaitė-Klišauskienė, Vytautas Rinkevičius, Daiva Sinkevičiūtė, Miguel Villanueva Svensson.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022. p. 395-402.. ISBN 9786090707869. eISBN 9786090707876
Keywords [eng] Old Prussian ; Baltic ; Slavic ; declensions ; genitive ; accent
Abstract [eng] Root stress in the Old Prussian ā-stem gen. sg. ālg-as was taken from the homonymous o-stem gen. sg. deiw-as (Lith. lángo, Sl. *vȏrna). This analogy took place after the reshuffling of the Balto-Slavic o-stem gen. sg. *-ā as *-ās in the prehistory of Old Prussian. The shortening *-ās > -as was most probably conditioned by the fact that this ending was always unstressed.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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