Title Low spatial frequency laser‑induced periodic surface structures in fused silica inscribed by widely tunable femtosecond laser pulses /
Authors Navickas, Marius ; Grigutis, Robertas ; Jukna, Vytautas ; Tamošauskas, Gintaras ; Dubietis, Audrius
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-24771-9
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Is Part of Scientific reports.. Berlin : Nature Portfolio. 2022, vol. 12, art. no. 20231, p. [1-7].. ISSN 2045-2322
Keywords [eng] laser material processing ; laser induced periodic surface structures ; femtosecond
Abstract [eng] The formation and evolution of laser-induced periodic surface structures in fused silica under irradiation of widely tunable (in the 1–3 μ m range) linearly polarized femtosecond (200 fs) pulses was studied experimentally. The structures were inscribed in high fluence regime (exceeding the surface ablation threshold for a single pulse) and characterized by using scanning electron microscopy and two dimensional Fourier transform. The results revealed rapid (after irradiation with a few successive pulses) formation of periodic laser-induced periodic surface structures aligned parallel to laser polarization, whose period increases with increasing the inscription wavelength, obeying the lambda/n law. With further increase of number of pulses, the generated structures gradually reorganize into laser polarization-independent low spatial frequency annular structures associated with formation of the damage crater, which fully established after irradiation with a few tens of successive laser pulses. This particular evolution scenario was observed over the entire wavelength tuning range of incident pulses.
Published Berlin : Nature Portfolio
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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