Title Manner adverb placement in English, Spanish and Lithuanian: a corpus-based approach /
Translation of Title Būdo prieveiksmių pozicija anglų, ispanų ir lietuvių kalbose: tekstyno tyrimas.
Authors Dičpinigaitytė, Aušra ; Korostenskienė, Julija
DOI 10.15388/Verb.2015.6.8808
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Is Part of Verbum.. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2015, Nr. 6, p. 53-68.. ISSN 2029-6223
Keywords [eng] manner adverb ; placement ; corpus ; English ; Spanish ; Lithuanian
Abstract [eng] In generative tradition, the adverb is regarded to be the most stable part on the syntactic tree, relative to which the position of other members of the sentence, primarily the verb, may be examined. The present study explores the position of six manner adverbs in English and their equivalents in Spanish and Lithuanian. Following Rochette’s (1990) classification, three adverb positions are distinguished: Initial, VP-external, and VP-internal. The findings reveal that manner adverbs in Spanish and Lithuanian may take different positions from their English counterparts and can therefore be assigned to different adverb classes. For example, English and Spanish manner adverbs belong to Class IV in Rochette’s classification, whereas their Lithuanian counterparts exhibit features of Class I adverbs. The study shows that English and Spanish manner adverbs most frequently appear in two positions, pre- and post verbally, whereas their distributional diversity is greatest in Lithuanian, which might be due to issues related to the information structure of the language.
Published Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015
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