Authors Balčiūnaitė, Dovilė
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Pages 89
Keywords [eng] special education needs ; special pedadogical help ; pre-school education ; co-operation ; inclusive education.
Abstract [eng] In this research was analysed how are pre-school institutions are prepared for inclusice education. Seeking to reveal this theme were made the analyses of pedagogical and psichological literature an the analyses of empirical data. The aim of the research – to reveal the preparation of pre-school institutions for inclusive education. To make this research was chosen modified research instrument of the author and manager of master research The preparation of pre-school institutions for inclusive education. In the research participated 108 respondents – employees of pre-school (all respondents were women): 6 headmasters of pre-school institution, 9 deputies of headmeasters for education, 70 pedagogues of pre-school (40 preceptresses and 30 head-preceptresses), 12 speech-therapists and 11 others employees who are working in these institutions: social pedagogues, sovial workers, teachers of motion correction. Seeking of the unity of this work, in the theoretical and empirical parts were analysed these aspects: the concept and principes of inclusive education, the provision of special pedagogical help at age of pre-school, the co-operation of parents and pedagogues, the support of the pozitive behaviour, the evaluation of progress and achievements, the appliment of the environment of pre-school institution for kids with various needs. In the empirical part is analysed, how pre-schools realizes the principes of inclusive eduction. Seeking to reveal the accomplishment of inclusive education in pre-school are analysed parents and pedagogues co-operation in the institution. Also is wanted to show how is supported in the institution positive children behaviour and educated socil skills. Also is analysed how pre-schools are evaluating progress of children. The analyses of the application of the environmental of institution for children with various needs revealed how institutions are prepared to educate childrens with physical disablities, disorders of hearing and sight, disorders of speech and language, childrens with disorders of intelect and sensoric sennsative. Also is given analyses of appliment of pre-school outside areas for children education. The most important conclusions: 1. The analyses of scientific literature and other theoretical sources let us to claim that the conception of the inclusive education is based on international provision and is understood as continuous process which make sure qualitive education for everyone by respecting their variaty, different needs, skills and characteristics, avoiding any kind of discrimination. The main pricipes of inclusive education is as: the accesisibility, participation, support of education is realized through parents and padagogues co—operation, the support of childrens positive behaviour, suitable evaluation of childrens progress, education of social skills. The appliment of these principes in the pre-school institution are related with appliment of enviroments which can create suitable conditions and opportunities to educate children with various needs. 2. According to opinion of pre-school empoyees who participated in the research analysed aspects of parents and pedagogues co-operation, the support of positive childrens behaviour, their progress evaluation and educaton of social skills showed how inclusive education is realized in pre-school institutions: 6. Pre-school institutions creates favorable conditions for pedagogues and parents of their students to co-operate. Although the most applied are still traditional formal comminication forms such as: forums of parents, individual interviews, festivals. There are lack of variaty of themes which are proposed by parents which are actual for them. The lack of attention is paid to attraction parents to childrens education in daily activity and evaluation of progress. 7. The research showed that positive childrens behaviour is supported by pre-school institution by various rules, discipline. The problematic behaviour is analysed together with parents and Childrens wealness commision in meetings, are given recomendations for pedagogues. Pre-school institutions do not have strategies and devices to solve problematic childrens behaviour. 8. The results showed that usually evalutes the progress of children their pedagogues that is preceptress. During the evaluation the attention is paid to solvation of problematic education areas, and less paying attention to develope and expand childrens strength. Educators validate their evalutation by proofs: drawings by children, photos, videos. Most of education institutions do not have opportunity communicate with others, specialists who do not work in their institution, who could help in the evaluation process in case it would be needed. 9. Social skills in these institutions are educated by various festivals, fiests and casual activities. Mostly is applied are integrated social skills educations that is when this educations is included into various activities, projects and actions. Institutions fall short of devices and methodics, which could let to get know and accept the differences of human. Some institutions applies social skills programme “Zippi friends“ which has even social skills education school. Though most of pre-schools do not organizes social skills edcation programmes and these skills educates only fragmentically. 3. The results revealed that the best preparation has pre-schools to educate childrens are teaches childrens with disorders of speech and language, but there are not completely environment for childrens with others special needs. The buildings are not suitable for childrens for phisical disorders, hearing and sight disorders. Most problems are raised by appliment of phisical enviroment for children who uses wheelchair or walker: lack of group space, narrow coridors, no ramps and so on. Institutions do not have good lightening or sound izolation. 4. Most of institutions which patrticipated in the research paid attention for outside environment. Often childrens education is organized outside, there are created conditions to exam, observe the surrounding. The playgrounds are spacious, adjusted to childrens age but not all playgrounds are safe – some surfaces are rough and bumpy. 5. The results showed that some isntitutions of pre-chool realizes inclusive education and are seeking to guarantee access to every child. Especially pre-schools are prepared to educate childrens who have speech and language disorders, and less – who have motion and position disorders and uses walkers or wheelchair. Specialists who works have lack of new knowledges, which are important when you are educating children with special needs, motivation to develope when prevailing attitude “no one offered“. During the research some of the institutions employees said express their opinion that children with special and special education needs have to visit special education institutions.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016