Title Paediatric and adult congenital cardiology education and training in Europe /
Authors McMahon, Colin J ; Heying, Ruth ; Budts, Werner ; Cavigelli-Brunner, Anna ; Shkolnikova, Maria ; Michel-Behnke, Ina ; Kozlik-Feldmann, Rainer ; Wåhlander, Håkan ; Dewolf, Daniel ; Difilippo, Sylvie ; Kornyei, Laslo ; Russo, Maria Giovanna ; Kaneva-Nencheva, Anna ; Mesihovic-Dinarevic, Senka ; Vesel, Samo ; Oskarsson, Gylfi ; Papadopoulos, George ; Petropoulos, Andreas C ; Cevik, Berna Saylan ; Jossif, Antonis ; Doros, Gabriela ; Krusensjerna-Hafstrom, Thomas ; Dangel, Joanna ; Rahkonen, Otto ; Albert-Brotons, Dimpna C ; Alvares, Silvia ; Brun, Henrik ; Janousek, Jan ; Pitkänen-Argillander, Olli ; Voges, Inga ; Lubaua, Inguna ; Sendžikaitė, Skaistė ; Magee, Alan G ; Rhodes, Mark J ; Blom, Nico A ; Bu'lock, Frances ; Hanseus, Katarina ; Milanesi, Ornella
DOI 10.1017/S104795112100528X
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Is Part of Cardiology in the young.. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 2022, vol. 32, no. 12, p. 1966-1983.. ISSN 1047-9511. eISSN 1467-1107
Keywords [eng] adult CHD ; certification ; congenital cardiology ; education ; paediatric cardiology ; training
Abstract [eng] Background: Limited data exist on training of European paediatric and adult congenital cardiologists. Methods: A structured and approved questionnaire was circulated to national delegates of Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology in 33 European countries. Results: Delegates from 30 countries (91%) responded. Paediatric cardiology was not recognised as a distinct speciality by the respective ministry of Health in seven countries (23%). Twenty countries (67%) have formally accredited paediatric cardiology training programmes, seven (23%) have substantial informal (not accredited or certified) training, and three (10%) have very limited or no programme. Twenty-two countries have a curriculum. Twelve countries have a national training director. There was one paediatric cardiology centre per 2.66 million population (range 0.87-9.64 million), one cardiac surgical centre per 4.73 million population (range 1.63-10.72 million), and one training centre per 4.29 million population (range 1.63-10.72 million population). The median number of paediatric cardiology fellows per training programme was 4 (range 1-17), and duration of training was 3 years (range 2-5 years). An exit examination in paediatric cardiology was conducted in 16 countries (53%) and certification provided by 20 countries (67%). Paediatric cardiologist number is affected by gross domestic product (R2 = 0.41). Conclusion: Training varies markedly across European countries. Although formal fellowship programmes exist in many countries, several countries have informal training or no training. Only a minority of countries provide both exit examination and certification. Harmonisation of training and standardisation of exit examination and certification could reduce variation in training thereby promoting high-quality care by European congenital cardiologists.
Published Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022
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