Abstract [eng] |
The purpose of the research biobanks is to collect human biological samples and the related information important for biomedical research, which in the future can be used for comprehensive scientific research. Such research would assist in creating new medicine, acquiring knowledge on the illness-inducing factors, analysing the complex research that the state should invest into in order to assure the public health protection and save funds required for treatment. However, in spite of the undeniably positive effect of the biobank operations, one should not ignore the theoretical and practical or even ethical problems arising from the operations of the biobanks. Thus, the present research analysis of the various problems occurring in foreign countries is an attempt to find and propose for Lithuania such a legal regime (paying the main attention for the proper consent model of the person), which would maximally protect the human rights, but also would not deny the very essence of the research to have an opportunity for a free choice of the scope of the research, the opportunity to experiment, and in this way to make discoveries in the field of health that are important for all the society. The present scientific analysis is comprised of an introduction, four chapters, the author’s practical suggestions for Lithuania, and conclusions that summarise the results of the research. The final part of the research includes the bibliography, the list of the author‘s scientific publications and conference presentations as well as Appendices: a sample of a personal consent form for the biobank and a questionnaire used during the research preparation process for a quantitative research – interviews of the experts closely related to the health protection and biobank operations. |