Title Istoriniai pasakojimai Lietuvos periodinėje spaudoje lietuvių kalba 1904–1944 m /
Translation of Title Historical narratives in the Lithuanian periodical press in Lithuanian language from 1904 to 1944.
Authors Krutulys, Titas
DOI 10.15388/vu.thesis.434
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Pages 600
Keywords [eng] periodical press ; historical narratives ; worldviews
Abstract [eng] The object of the research is historical narratives in the Lithuanian periodical press in the Lithuanian language from 1904 to 1944. The dissertation combines quantitative and qualitative methods of content analysis. The most prominent newspapers, journals, social and cultural magazines, and academic press of social sciences, and humanities are also included. Quantitative analysis reveals the most characteristic trends in the representation of Lithuanian and foreign history - the total number of historical publications, the distribution by topics, chronological periods, and the most frequently described personalities. The qualitative part of the research is aimed at analyzing what historical narratives dominated the periodical press of the four main worldview groups (social democrats, Popular Peasants', Catholics, and nationalists) and the regimes that occupied Lithuania during the First and Second world wars, what were the fundamental differences and similarities in their understanding of history, and to what extent they were related to the declared views of the political ideologies.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023