Title E-WOM įtaką lemiantys veiksniai įsitraukiant jaunimui į finansinio raštingumo ugdymą /
Translation of Title Factors of e-wom influence on youth engagement in financial literacy education.
Authors Martyšiūtė, Beatričė
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Pages 96
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this master theses is to determine factors of E-WOM influence on youth engagement in financial literacy education. The work consists of 6 main chapters: the analysis of literature, empirical study, analysis of research results, conclusion, proposals of the work, list of bibliographic sources and appendices. In the analysis of scientific sources, the author compares the presented concepts of financial literacy, examines the knowledge of financial literacy that a person acquires throughout his life. Also defines the concept of consumer behavior, influencing factors, examines the concepts of E-WOM, distinguishes the factors determining E-WOM. After analyzing the literature, the author conducted a study on the influence of E-WOM factors on the involvement of 15-29-year-old consumers in financial literacy education. 403 respondents answered the survey. The main purpose of the study – to investigate the effect of E-WOM factors (attractiveness of the source, credibility of the source, quality of the message, valence of the message information) on the involvement of 15-29-year-old consumers in financial literacy education and the use of financial literacy tools. The "SPSS Statistics" program was used for the analysis of research data. Likert scales and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used, in all cases, it was higher than 0.61, indicating that the scales used were reliable. The empirical study shows that the attractiveness of the E-WOM source, the credibility of the E-WOM source, the quality of the E-WOM message, the information valence of the E-WOM message have a positive influence on the intention to use financial literacy tools. Conclusions and suggestions summarize the literature analysis and research results. The author thinks that the results could give useful guidelines to the marketing and communication specialist further enhancing youth financial literacy.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023