Abstract [eng] |
64 pages, 2 charts, 19 pictures, 74 references The main purpose of this master thesis is to build an effective CRM appliance model in savings and investment „FinTech“ sector and single out key success factors. The work consists of three main parts: the analysis of literature, the research and its results, conclusion and recommendations. Literature analysis reviews the concept and key technical elements of CRM system, names its‘ role in a business unit, points out main differences in various sectors and describes unique „FinTech‘ sector, savings and investment category in particular. After the literature analysis the author has carried out the study about CRM appliance practice among Lithuanian savings and investment „FinTech“ companies. 5 of 28 Lithuanian companies that fall in this business category have responded to the prepared questionnaire. The main purpose of this study was to determine which CRM processes need to be imposed in savings and investment „FinTech“ sector, how these processes should be implemented and how these procesesses should work together by building a model. Moreover, by interpretive analysis author stressed out four key success factors that you should by addresed in order to ensure effective CRM appliance. The performed research revealed that the dynamics of savings and investment sector require continuous environment analysis process as there many changes from outside that require immediate reaction. Besides, due to high data safety requirements and limited CRM integration with other information systems within the organization, companies should assure effective risk management process. The whole CRM appliance in savings and investment „FinTech“ sector depends on these factors – safety, flexibility, change management and organizational culture. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main concepts of literature analysis as well as the results of the performed research. The author believes that the results of the study could give useful guidelines to savings and investment „FinTech“ companies that are going to implement CRM system or have already implemented CRM system to take more advantages of the system to make it more effective. |