Title Vidinio darbdavio įvaizdžio patrauklumo ir darbuotojų pasitenkinimo darbu bei emocinio įsipareigojimo santykis moderuojant darbo kontrolės lokusui /
Translation of Title The relationship between the internal attractiveness of the employer’s image and the satisfaction of employees with work and emotional commitment by moderating the work locus of control.
Authors Gailiušienė, Edita
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Pages 95
Abstract [eng] 82 pages, 15 charts, 7 pictures, 105 references. The main goal of this master's thesis is to determine the relationship between the attractiveness of the employer's internal image and employee job satisfaction and emotional commitment, moderated by the locus of control at work. The work consists of three main parts: scientific literature analysis, conducted research and its results, conclusions, and proposals. The analysis of the scientific literature presents the concepts of the attractiveness of the employer's internal image, employee job satisfaction and emotional commitment, and the formation and management of the attractiveness of the employer's internal image; an overview of the impact of internal employer image attractiveness and relationships with employee satisfaction and emotional commitment and the relationships between employer internal image attractiveness, employee job satisfaction and emotional commitment, moderated by locus of control at work. After the analysis of the scientific literature, a study of the attractiveness of the employer's internal image, employee job satisfaction and emotional commitment, moderated by the locus of control, was conducted. A questionnaire survey was prepared, the main purpose of which is to determine the relationship between the attractiveness of the employer's internal image and the employees' job satisfaction and emotional commitment, moderated by the locus of control at work. 384 employees of Personal Health Care Institutions participated in the study. The obtained research results were compared with similar studies conducted in other European countries. Statistical analysis of data research was performed, during which the obtained data were processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 program version. Moderator analysis of variables was performed using Andrew F. Hayes' (2022) PROCESS macro for SPSS version 4.1. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the alignment of the Likert scales, which was greater than 0.7 in all cases, indicating that the scales used were consistent. The following statistical analysis methods were used to determine the interrelationships between the variables used in the study: 1. Data normality tests; 2. Determination of the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on variables - T-criterion of two independent samples, ANOVA one-factor variance analysis (using the Bonferroni criterion); 3. Regression analysis; 4. Moderations - analysis of interaction between variables; 5. Mediation - analysis of the intermediate variable between the independent variable and the dependent variable; 6. Presented conclusions and proposals. The conducted research provided evidence that the attractiveness of the employer's internal image is positively related to employees' job satisfaction and emotional commitment, but the interaction effect of the locus of work control for the aforementioned variables was not confirmed. The conclusions and proposals summarize the main concepts of literature analysis and the results, limitations and directions of further research. The suggestions of the research can help managers of institutions in making strategic decisions related to improving the attractiveness of the employer's internal image and increasing employee job satisfaction and emotional commitment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023