Title Aukšto įsitraukimo į darbą praktikų įtaka perdegimui darbe ir darbo rezultatams /
Translation of Title The influence of high-commitment work practices on job burnout and job performance.
Authors Indriūnaitė, Aistė
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Pages 100
Abstract [eng] THE INFLUENCE OF HIGH-COMMITMENT WORK PRACTICES ON JOB BURNOUT AND JOB PERFORMANCE Aistė INDRIŪNAITĖ Master thesis Human Resource Management Master‘s Program Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Supervisor –prof. dr. Renata Korsakienė Vilnius, 2023 SUMMARY 76 pages, 33 charts, 4 pictures, 53 references. The purpose of the master's thesis is to analyse and evaluate the influence of high-commitment work practices on job burnout and job performance. The thesis consists of five parts: analysis of literature, research methodology, analysis of research results, conclusions, and recommendations. In the part of literature analysis, the concept of the literature reveals the theoretical aspects, causes, and outcomes of high-commitment work practices, job burnout, and job performance. Furthermore, this part reviews the influence of high-commitment work practices on job burnout, the influence of high-commitment work practices on job performance, and the influence of job burnout on job performance, based on research conducted by other authors. In order to analyse the links between high-commitment work practices, job burnout, and job performance, a quantitative method of research analysis was used. A structured anonymous questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 420 respondents working in Lithuania in the service sector, and the collected data was used to analyse the survey results. The questionnaire reliability Cronbach's Alpha coefficients in this study are higher than 0.7, which indicates that questionnaire scales are consistent. The research data was processed using IBM SPSS Statistics software and an additional A. F. Hayes PROCESS plugin. The analysis of the results of the study revealed that high-commitment work practices have a negative effect on job burnout, high-commitment work practices have a positive effect on job performance, and job burnout has a negative effect on job performance. Job burnout, emotional exhaustion, reduced personal accomplishment, and depersonalization has been found to mediate the link between high-commitment work practices and job performance. High-commitment work practices have a positive effect on job performance, despite the existence of reduced job burnout. The conclusions and recommendations parts summarise the analysis of the literature, the results of the research conducted, and the suggestions for the application of high-commitment work practices in the sector of healthcare and social work, as well as in organisations with young employees, to reduce job burnout and improve job performance. For future researchers have been proposed to analyse the effects of separate high-commitment work practices on job burnout and job performance to determine how specific groups of high-commitment work practices affect these factors.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023