Title Nuotolinio darbo ir vidinio darbdavio įvaizdžio sąsajos pandemijos laikotarpiu /
Translation of Title The links between teleworking and internal employer image during the pandemic.
Authors Kanaševičiūtė, Evelina
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Pages 105
Abstract [eng] 103 pages, 15 charts, 83 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is analyze the impact of teleworking on employer image during the pandemic. The thesis consists of three chapters: the first two are devoted to an analysis of the theoretical literature on teleworking and the employer's self-image. The second chapter describes the methodology of the empirical study and the third chapter presents the results of the empirical study and the main generalizations. The literature review provides an overview of the concept of teleworking conceptions and the research on teleworking in the wake of the pandemic, the impact on employees teleworking, and employee satisfaction with teleworking. The literature review also looks at the concept of employer image, identifies the internal employer image, describes its elements and examines the relationship between teleworking and internal employer image in other authors' studies. After analysing the scientific literature, the author conducted a qualitative study of the relationship between teleworking and internal employer image. For the qualitative research, a semi-structured interview was chosen, in which 12 respondents from X organisations were interviewed. The main purpose of the interviews was to analyse employees' attitudes towards teleworking and the changes that have taken place since the start of teleworking, to analyse the importance of the employer image and how it is perceived by employees, and to analyse the relationship between teleworking and the internal employer image thematics. The results were compared with research on the topics of teleworking and employer image. Links were found between teleworking and internal employer image in a pandemic. The study showed that teleworking and internal employer image have a link with each other, with image elements changing positively when working from home. At first it was difficult to communicate with each other, but later they got used to communicating virtually and the situation improved. In terms of values, in most organizations they all remained, but there was a greater focus on the person themselves and they were seen as family members. The standpoint towards the person became more valued as they felt cared for, the support from employers and working from home resulted in improved performance and greater efficiency when working. The pandemic has brought many positive aspects that have allowed employers to be flexible in the way they view and value their employees.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023