Title Darbo stažo moderacijos įtaka ryšiui tarp žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo praktikų ir darbuotojų darbo rezultatų /
Translation of Title Moderating effect of work tenure on the relationship between human resource management practices and employee performance.
Authors Križanovska, Dorota
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Pages 85
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY 77 pages, 13 charts, 9 pictures, 80 references. The main objective of this master thesis is to investigate the impact of the moderating effect of total and current work tenure on the relationship between human resource management practices and employee performance in the Lithuanian non-life insurance sector. The thesis consists of three main parts: a literature review, a discussion of the research methodology with an analysis of the results, and the conclusions with recommendations. The literature analysis reviews the concept of human resource management, the analysis of human resource management practices such as recruitment and selection, training, reward system, satisfaction management, the review of employees' performance, as well as the examination of the relationship between human resource management practices and employees' performance through different moderators and mediators. Based on theoretical assumptions, a conceptual research model was developed, which consists of work tenure, human resource management practices and employee performance. A total of 281 respondents working for a non-life insurance company in Lithuania participated in the study. The results of the study were analyzed with the aim of investigating how the general work tenure of employees in Lithuanian non-life insurance companies and the work tenure in the current workplace affect the relationship between the identified human resource management practices and employee performance in terms of task management, context and non-productive behavior. Ensuring that all key variables were significantly reliable for the analysis of the results (Cronbach α > 0.6), a multinomial regression analysis was carried out to determine the impact of all human resource management practices on employees' job performance. The moderation analysis was used to determine the effect of general work tenure and the work tenure in the current workplace on the relationship between each human resource management practice and employee performance. Finally, a comparative analysis was used to check the similarity of the values obtained with the findings of other studies. The results showed that all the analyzed human resource management practices have a direct and positive impact on employees' performance in terms of task management and context. The variable of employees' performance in terms of non-productive behaviors was eliminated as further analysis with this variable did not show statistically significant results. The moderation analysis confirmed that the effect of training, reward system and satisfaction management practices on employees' performance in terms of task management was more significant with increasing general work tenure. In addition, it was confirmed that the effect of selection and recruitment, reward system and satisfaction management on the performance of employees by context is stronger with increasing general work tenure. From a different perspective, the results showed that the effect of training on performance related task management, the effect of reward system on performance in terms of task management and contextual performance, and the effect of satisfaction management on performance in terms of task management became weaker with increasing work tenure in the current workplace. Conclusions and suggestions are presented based on the theoretical concepts and the findings of the study. The author believes that this thesis will help Lithuanian non-life insurance companies to pay attention on improvement of main human resource management practices in order to improve employee performance in relation to the work tenure.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023