Title Ryšys tarp transformacinės lyderystės, vadovo emocinio intelekto ir darbuotojų kūrybiškumo organizacijoje /
Translation of Title The relationship between transformational leadership, leader’s emotional intelligence and employee creativity in organization.
Authors Joniškė, Mingailė
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Pages 102
Abstract [eng] The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the relationship between transformational leadership, leader’s emotional intelligence and employee creativity in an organization. The work consists of four main parts: the analysis of literature related to the main three subjects of the thesis, the methodology of the research, the carried out research and its results and finally conclusion and practical suggestions. In the first part of the thesis, the analysis of literature shows the theoretical aspects of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and specifically more on the leader’s emotional intelligence, and employee creativity. The analysis also shows the interdependencies of these factors. In the next part of the thesis is described the methodology of the research that was carried out next to the results of the research. A total of 388 responses were collected, 380 of them passed the eligibility check and were used for the analysis. The demographic data os the respondents is presented in the thesis as well as the reliability of the measuring instruments, which was evaluated using Cronbach’s Alpha values. For the majority of the analysis a statistical analysis software was SPSS was used, alongside an additional package for the program for the moderator and mediator analysis. A total of five hypothesis were tested, two of which were revealed to be true. It was found that leader’s emotional intelligence has a positive effect on transformational leadership. A moderative analysis was done to test for leader’s emotional intelligence being moderator to the transformational leadership and employee creativity relation but did not yield statistically substantiated results. A mediation analysis was done to test for transformational leadership mediating effect on the leader’s emotional intelligence and employee creativity relation and yielded enough statistically substantiated results to show positive mediating effect on the relation. The conclusions and recommendations suggest that further research was done to specify the relationship between leader’s emotional intelligence and employee creativity as well as between transformational leadership and employee creativity. The research shows the relationship exists but considering the analysis of literature and the research results, more factors might be involved in the relationship, as further research may determine. On the other hand, the relationship between leader’s emotional intelligence and transformational leadership was found positively connected and as such the recommendations suggest that to further the transformational leadership in an organization it is important to promote leader’s emotional intelligence growth or look for leaders that already show high emotional intelligence index.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023