Title Finansinio stabilumo iššūkiai COVID-19 pandemijos kontekste /
Translation of Title Financial stability challenges in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.
Authors Grigaityte, Inesa
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Pages 73
Abstract [eng] The consequences of COVID-19 very suddenly and significantly affected not only the social side of society, but also the economic one. The sudden spread of the corona virus forced the states to take quick and effective decisions. After most states declared a global pandemic, states faced two main challenges. The first challenge was to maintain financial stability, while the second was to improve financial resilience. During literature research, country's financial system, it's structure, functions and connection with financial stability and it's assessment were reviewed. Models analyzing financial stability such as the general financial stability index model, BSM model and early warning models were also presented. Financial stability challenges faced by different countries during the pandemic were also examined. In order to investigate what financial stability challenges Lithuania faced during the pandemic, the country's general financial stability index before the pandemic and during the pandemic was analyzed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023