Title Lyderystės įtaka darbuotojų įsitraukimui ir ketinimui išeiti iš darbo nuotolinėje darbo aplinkoje /
Translation of Title The impact of leadership on employee engagement and intention to quit in remote work environment.
Authors Samušytė, Brigita
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Pages 95
Abstract [eng] THE IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND INTENTION TO QUIT IN REMOTE WORK ENVIRONMENT Brigita SAMUŠYTĖ Master thesis Human resource management study programme Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Supervisor – Prof. Dr. D. Diskienė Vilnius, 2023 SUMMARY 70 pages, 14 tables, 4 pictures, 111 references. The main goal of this master's thesis is to determine the influence of leadership on employee engagement and employees' intention to leave work in a remote work environment. The master's final thesis consists of introduction, 3 main parts of the final thesis: theoretical work analysis, methodological part of the research, presentation of research results. Also, conclusions and proposals, bibliography, summary. In the theoretical analysis, the author revealed the concepts of leadership, employee engagement, remote work, and intention to leave work presented in the scientific literature. In a theoretical analysis, the author presented leadership styles and their differences, factors influencing employee engagement, and the relationship between leadership and employee engagement. In the methodological part of the study, the author introduces the future study, the research model, the research hypotheses, the research instrument, and the research sample. It was determined that at least 382 respondents should be collected for the study to evaluate the results of the study. Having completed the research methodology and presented the research. Research studies 394 respondents. The collected data were statistically processed with the SPSS program package. In the part of the research results, the author presents the differences in the assessment of dimensions according to demographic characteristics. The author of the test for determining the normality of the research data, which shows that the evaluation data of work engagement and transformational leadership are not parametric. The results of the study revealed that transformational leadership does not have a statistically significant effect on the intention to leave the job. It was found that the higher the employee engagement, the lower the intention to leave the job, and transformational leadership has a positive effect on employee engagement. During the study, one of the two moderating relationships was confirmed. It has been confirmed that the remote work environment moderates the influence of transformational leadership on employees' intention to leave the job. The mediator - the calculation of employee engagement between transformational leadership and the desire to leave the job - was confirmed during the study. The author compared the obtained research results with similar studies conducted by foreign authors. In accordance with the limitations of the research, the author suggests that, in future research of this kind, focus on employees of organizations in one field of activity and ensure that research related to remote work is aimed at respondents who more, less, or always work remotely. Further research of this nature should include other dimensions. The author suggests that future studies continue to investigate the impact of remote work. Investigate the relationship between employee and remote work and emotional intelligence and repeat the research by including respondents from neighboring countries, Latvia, Estonia, Poland.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023