Title Kaip mažosios valstybės sutelkia dėmesį: Baltijos šalių veiksmai stiprinant Baltijos jūros regioną Ukrainos-Rusijos konflikto metu /
Translation of Title How small states achieve focus: baltic countries' actions in the wake of the ukraine-russian war to strengthen security in the baltic region.
Authors Kužinauskas, Mantas
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] The case study was made in order to explain the Baltic Sea region’s security increase. To do so, Therlson’s and Steinsson’s theory was used. Authors present the strategy, which argues that small states in the same region, due to shared security concerns, should use cooperation among themselves in order to increase their security. The provided analysis shows that the Baltic States, being the small states and bound by the same threats from Russia, successfully used cooperation among themselves and the situation of Russia’s war against Ukraine, to increase their security in the Baltic Sea region.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023