Title „Femvertising“ reklama Lietuvoje: kur prasideda ir baigiasi feminizmas? /
Translation of Title Femvertising in lithuania: where does feminism start and end?
Authors Pakėnaitė, Agnė
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Pages 66
Abstract [eng] Advertising has the huge impact in our society. It is not only convincing people to buy products but also has the power to inform about social issues or to influence what and even how people think. It is very sensitive topic when it comes to women’s representation in advertising. Stereotypes and generalisations in ads objectify women and it has negative effects on how women feel about themselves. During the last decade we are seeing the new type of advertising, which is called “femvertising”. “Femvertising” was created to enhance women’s empowerment against stereotypical norms in advertising. “Femvertising” is defined as “female empowerment advertising”. However, “femvertising” is criticized for using feminism just only as the main selling point and by employing postfeminist discourses which could lead to antifeminism. “Femvertising” in Lithuania is not researched well. Believable that audience understands “femvertising” messages as “feminist” messages. This thesis investigates, is “femvertising” in Lithuania using feminist ideas and how they are working in practice. Critical research has showed that global brands use “femvertising” which is fulfilled with postfeminist elements. Therefore, in the first part of master thesis 6 main postfeminist elements (commodity feminism, individualism and free choice, from object to subject, self- surveillance, self-confidence culture, body positivity) are explained. The object of the research is 5 brands: “Nebegėda”, “BENU vaistinė”, “Zalando”, “Lindex” and “About Wear”, which have used “femvertising” messages. The research has found that “femvertising” in Lithuania use all elements of postfeminism without implementing any political ideas of feminism. The research helps to recognize these postfeminist elements in “femvertising”. By recognizing and understanding how these elements are working women would be able to see not only what she can do by herself (individually) to “empower” herself but what should be done actively in society. The research also answers the question that “femvertising” in Lithuania today is not able to use feminist elements without stripping them of of their political power.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023