Title Kandidatų į merus rinkiminių kampanijų konstravimas pasitelkus tautinių mažumų takoskyrą: Šalčininkų, Trakų rajonų ir Visagino savivaldybių atvejis /
Translation of Title Construction of election campaigns of candidates for mayors by explointing the cleavage of national minorities: the case of šalčininkai, trakai discricts and visaginas municipalities.
Authors Podrezaitė, Auksė
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Pages 161
Abstract [eng] This paper examines which cleavages and how in the 2019 Lithuanian mayoral elections of national minority municipalities - Šalčininkai District, Trakai District and Visaginas - the mayoral candidates have used, actualised and neglected in their election campaigns. It also examines how the phenomenon of cumulative cleavages has been at work, and what place the ethinc clavage has occupied among the differences in national minority municipalities. The thesis develops the theory of social cleavafes, adapted and supplemented with new distinctions that are relevant to the national minority region: ethnic, Soviet and populist.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023