Title What really drives loyalty in the fast-moving consumer goods market? /
Authors Morkūnas, Mangirdas ; Grišmanauskaitė, Marija Kotryna
DOI 10.1177/22779752231154645
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Is Part of IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review.. New Delhi : SAGE. 2023, vol. 12, iss. 2, p. 197-212.. ISSN 2277-9752. eISSN 2321-029X
Keywords [eng] Brand loyalty ; FMCG ; structural equation modelling ; beer
Abstract [eng] This article seeks to determine the real drivers of customer loyalty in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market. The study uses beer consumers in Lithuania as an empirical base for the research. A combination of qualitative (experiment) and quantitative (cross-sectional study and partial least squares structural equation modelling) research techniques are applied. The results reveal that loyalty in the FMCG market is driven by purchase frequency, promotion, price and perceived quality via moderating variables such as brand trust and brand satisfaction. Moreover, they demonstrate that consumers mostly do not recognize their favourite product among similar products; therefore, taste properties or other physical attributes of some FMCG products do not significantly contribute to the formation of brand loyalty.
Published New Delhi : SAGE
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description