Title Pasidalytoji lyderystė kaip mokyklos kultūros keitimo prielaida /
Translation of Title Shared leadership as a prerequisite of the change of the Sshool culture.
Authors Lukšaitė-Lapinskienė, Aušra
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Pages 92
Keywords [eng] teachers’ leadership ; shared leadership ; school culture
Abstract [eng] The aim of the master’s thesis is to identify the connection between the expression of the shared leadership and the change of school culture. To achieve this goal the following objects are designed: to reveal the features of shared leadership; to identify the main conditions for the expression of shared leadership; and to investigate which elements of shared leadership can have the most impact on the change of school culture. The master’s thesis consists of the following parts: theoretical, methodological and empirical, conclusions and recommendations. Six annexes are included in the paper. The total number of references used are 96 and 45 of them are in a foreign language. The theoretical part introduces the analysis of scientific literature topics related to shared leadership and school culture. In this part of the work the definitions, conception and conditions of shared leadership have been analyzed. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis dimensions of shared leadership have been described and the features of the teachers as leaders have been analyzed. Shared leadership is treated as the prerequisite for the change of the school culture. For that reason the concept of the organizational culture have been analyzed, the main factors of the formation of the school culture and its levels have been described. According to the results of the analysis of the scientific sources it is stated that organizational culture partly depends on the leaders. The school principals who share leadership have got more opportunities to change the culture of educational organization. The second part of this paper is devoted to the methodology of research. In this part methodological guidelines, research strategy and the measurement instruments have been introduced. The aim of the empirical research is to empirically test the linkage between the shared leadership and the change of school culture. In order to achieve this aim qualitative research method has been chosen. In the methodological part of the master’s thesis the scheme for document analysis is introduced as well as questionnaires for the group discussion and interview with the school principal are designed. The research field and the ethics are described in the second part of the paper as well. The third part of the master’s paper is devoted to the qualitative research data analysis. In this part the results of document analysis are presented, the data of a partly structured in-depth qualitative interview with the school principal and the data of the discussions of the focus groups are analyzed. At the end of the paper conclusions and recommendations are presented. Recommendations provide information based on the results of the empirical research how to foster and strengthen shared leadership at school in order to assist the change of the school culture.
Dissertation Institution Šiaulių universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016