Title |
ORM karkasų lyginamosios analizės metodas ir jo taikymas / |
Translation of Title |
Comparative Analysis Method for ORM (Object Role Modelling) Frameworks and its Application. |
Authors |
Ruzgys, Mindaugas |
Full Text |
Pages |
65 |
Keywords [eng] |
ORM ; SQL ; comparison, methodology |
Abstract [eng] |
In the thesis, a new methodology for ORM comparison presented. The methodology has three parts: comparison when no technical requirements provided; comparison when strict technical requirements are applied; comparison when flexible technical requirements (which might be changed is a better solution exists) are applied. The type of methodology varies as different requirements for ORM framework selection exists. |
Dissertation Institution |
Šiaulių universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2016 |