Title Besilaukiančių moterų šokio-judesio terapijos patyrimo teminė analizė /
Translation of Title Experience of dance movement therapy for pregnant women: a thematic analysis.
Authors Mozūrienė, Jurga
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Subject: Experience of Dance Movement Therapy for Pregnant Women: a Thematic Analysis. Research problem: DMT is a type of art therapy for different client groups. In Lithuania it is a legally regulated and new service which is being integrated into the health care system. Although there are many studies demonstrating the positive effects of DMT, the experience of pregnant women in DMT is a very under-researched area, and there is no such research made in Lithuania. Aim of the study: to reveal pregnant women’s experience in DMT. Subject: pregnant women who participated in a dance-movement therapy group (N=6). Methodology: Data for the empirical study were collected by semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out using inductive thematic analysis. Results: The inductive thematic analysis has revealed three main themes: “Pregnancy is a time to turn to the body“, “DMT for expectant mothers - simple, unusual, but effective”, „Group DMT during pregnancy responds to women's need for togetherness and security“. Findings from the empirical study: The thematic analysis highlighted the importance of a woman's connection with her body during pregnancy, when the experience of pregnancy through the unusual needs and sensations of the body seems to make her more aware than usually of the signals sent by the body and to adapt to the changes that are taking place. The skills acquired during the practice in DMT allow women to strengthen the awareness of the body's signals and the mutual relationship with the body in the preparation of motherhood, provides a sense of security in the uncertainty of the upcoming birth. The analysis of the participants' experience in DMT reveals their surprise by the simplicity and effectiveness of this unusual method in comparison to more widely used birth preparation practices. The testimonies of the participants illustrate how unexpected discoveries are made in the dance movement therapy group after overcoming the feeling of discomfort with the unusual. The results reveal how the symbols and metaphors that emerge in the course of DMT help pregnant women to evoke archetypal images related to women's inherent power and maternal instincts. The participants express the belief that they will be able to use the metaphors of personal power that emerge through the DMT to help them in childbirth. The analysis of the data reveals the women's increased need for communion with others during pregnancy and the fact that the DMT group provides a space for women to reveal their feelings and experiences and avoid the loneliness of pregnancy. The need for security, support and community, which is even more pronounced in the context of uncertainty caused by pandemic, is fulfilled in the DMT pregnant women's group. Keywords: pregnancy, biopsychosocial model, dance-movement therapy, pregnant experiences.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022