Title Lost in implementation? A field study of the uptake of the ‘green infrastructure’ term and concept in urban policies /
Authors Leone, Michael ; Misiūnė, Ieva ; Valença Pinto, Luis ; Palliwoda, Julia ; Carmen, Raïsa ; Jacobs, Sander ; Priess, Jörg A
DOI 10.1080/26395916.2023.2220831
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Is Part of Ecosystems and people.. Abingdon : Taylor and Francis Ltd.. 2023, vol. 19, no. 1, art. no. 2220831, p. [1-14].. ISSN 2639-5908. eISSN 2639-5916
Keywords [eng] Urban green infrastructure ; multifunctionality ; environmental justice ; urban green space ; policies ; policy analysis ; biodiversity strategy
Abstract [eng] With growing urban populations and increasing demands for more liveable, healthy and resilient cities, green infrastructure (GI) emerged over the last decade as a strategy to improve the quality of life in urban areas, delivering ecological, socio-cultural and economic benefits. To reach the European Union’s political ambitions, it is vital that the concept and its content are used consistently and coherently from national to local scale. Regarding the content, the ambiguity of the multifunctionality characteristic of GI presents an opportunity for adaptation to local values, while also risking to remain a vague and abstract promise. A policy analysis was conducted in four European cities to investigate the uptake of the GI concept in policies relevant for urban green spaces and if it is in line with EU’s understanding. Additionally, we investigate through interviews how interactions between agencies contribute to the mainstreaming of the concept to the municipal level. We found variations in uptake level and interpretation, which can partly be explained by the competition of new and established concepts, and existing structures (legislation and routines of practice). Each case study made multifunctionality concrete by linking multiple values to it, although the amount of values and depth of consideration differs. We found interactions between policymakers themselves, as well with science and civil society, contributing to the mainstreaming of the concept.
Published Abingdon : Taylor and Francis Ltd
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description