Title Standartizacijos vaidmuo atminties institucijų integracijos procese /
Translation of Title The role of standardization in the integration process of memory institutions.
Authors Bliūdžiuvienė, Nijolė
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Pages 188
Keywords [eng] standardized integration ; memory institutions ; standardization activity ; Technical Committee ; partnership of memory institutions
Abstract [eng] The object of the research is standardization activities of memory institutions as a form of their integration. The aim of the research is to analyze the role of standardization in the integration process of memory institutions. Since the perspectives for the joint action by Lithuanian memory institutions is investigated for the first time, cultural and standardized integration is presented as a conceptual basis associated with memory institutions‘ participation in standardization work finding its expression within the creation of the virtual information system of the cultural heritage. The dissertation consists of the preface, three parts, conclusions, the list of bibliographic references and supplements. The text includes 27 charts and 26 tables. The first part of the dissertation covers methods for integration of memory institutions, the need for standards in the creation process of a single European information system of the cultural heritage as well as the premise for the standardized integration of Lithuanian memory institutions and the experience of such integration. In the second part of the dissertation the focus is on creation of the model for the structure of standardization activity and comprehensive analysis of standardization activity in the information and documentation area. The third part of the dissertation presents the analysis of standardization activities by the Technical Committee on a national level in the information and documentation field as well as methodological grounding, the process and outcome of the empirical research. Based on the standardization activity model, the overview of memory institutions’ standardized integration makes it possible to conclude that the standardization activity is a promising form for the partnership of memory institutions and has a consolidating impact on Lithuanian memory institutions.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010