Title Environment, social behavior, and growth /
Authors Hermanussen, Michael ; Scheffler, Christiane ; Pulungan, Aman ; Bandyopadhyay, Arup Ratan ; Ghosh, Jyoti Ratan ; Özdemir, Ayşegül ; Koca Özer, Başak ; Musalek, Martin ; Lebedeva, Lidia ; Godina, Elena ; Bogin, Barry ; Tutkuvienė, Janina ; Budrytė, Milda ; Gervickaitė, Simona ; Limony, Yehuda ; Kirchengast, Sylvia ; Buston, Peter ; Groth, Detlef ; Rösler, Antonia ; Gasparatos, Nikolaos ; Erofeev, Sergei ; Novine, Masiar ; Navazo, Bárbara ; Dahinten, Silvia ; Gomuła, Aleksandra ; Nowak-Szczepańska, Natalia ; Kozieł, Sławomir
DOI 10.52905/hbph2023.1.59
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Is Part of Human biology and public health: Proceedings of the 30th Aschauer Soiree, held at Krobielowice, Poland, June 18th 2022.. Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam. 2023, vol. 1, p. [1-14].. ISSN 2748-9957
Keywords [eng] St. Nicolas House Analysis ; child growth ; body proportions ; social network ; public health ; migration
Abstract [eng] Twenty-four scientists met for the annual Auxological conference held at Krobielowice castle, Poland, to discuss the diverse influences of the environment and of social behavior on growth following last year’s focus on growth and public health concerns (Hermanussen et al., 2022b). Growth and final body size exhibit marked plastic responses to ecological conditions. Among the shortest are the pygmoid people of Rampasasa, Flores, Indonesia, who still live under most secluded insular conditions. Genetics and nutrition are usually considered responsible for the poor growth in many parts of this world, but evidence is accumulating on the prominent impact of social embedding on child growth. Secular trends not only in the growth of height, but also in body proportions, accompany the secular changes in the social, economic and political conditions, with major influences on the emotional and educational circumstances under which the children grow up (Bogin, 2021). Aspects of developmental tempo and aspects of sports were discussed, and the impact of migration by the example of women from Bangladesh who grew up in the UK. Child growth was considered in particular from the point of view of strategic adjustments of individual size within the network of its social group. Theoretical considerations on network characteristics were presented and related to the evolutionary conservation of growth regulating hypothalamic neuropeptides that have been shown to link behavior and physical growth in the vertebrate species. New statistical approaches were presented for the evaluation of short term growth measurements that permit monitoring child growth at intervals of a few days and weeks.
Published Potsdam : Universitätsverlag Potsdam
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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