Title |
Popieriaus su rašalu irimo proceso tyrimas ir naujų konservavimo metodų įvertinimas / |
Translation of Title |
The investigation of the degradation of inked paper and the evaluation of new conservation techniques. |
Authors |
Sivakova, Birutė |
Full Text |
Pages |
35 |
Keywords [eng] |
Paper ; ink ; degradation ; conservation ; APTES |
Abstract [eng] |
The impact of eight different writing inks prepared according to ancient recipes on the degradation of cotton and eucalyptus cellulose paper have been investigated. The efficiency of three types of stabilization systems have been compared. It is shown that each type of ink accelerate the degradation of paper, however inks with transition metal ions speed up the degradation processes in particular. The reliance between intensity of degradation and the nature and state of paper fibres have been established as well. The impact of ageing conditions and the environment of samples on the degradation of inked paper have been shown: paper degrades less during ageing in open dishes rather than in sealed vessels where volatile decay products could not escape from the sample. The degradation of paper is slower when paper is in alkaline environment.The impact of new conservation agent 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) have been investigated. It is shown that the procedure of alkalization of paper with APTES solution in 2-propanol meets the main requirements of paper deacidification procedures. The efficiency of deacidification of paper by the dispersions of nanoparticles of Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2, and APTES solution in 2-propanol have been compared.The total impact of alkaline compound APTES and an antioxidant KI have been investigated. The positive effect of treatment with APTES/KI solution in 2-propanol on the stability of inked paper has been shown: the process of degradation of APTES/KI treated paper samples found to be slower. Furthemore, the system APTES/KI found to be effective when used for passive conservation. Due to satisfactory results of conservation of model manuscripts and historical manuscript dated back to year 1744 it is shown that the system APTES/KI can be further investigated for stabilization of historical manuscripts. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2010 |