Title Upper Cretaceous planktic foraminifera biostratigraphy from Lithuania /
Translation of Title Viršutinės kreidos biostratigrafinis suskirstymas planktoninių foraminiferų duomenimis(Lietuva).
Authors Venckutė-Aleksienė, Agnė
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Pages 42
Keywords [eng] planktic foraminifera ; biozone ; Upper Cretaceous ; biostratigraphy
Abstract [eng] Planktic foraminifera were studied poorly in Lithuania. There are a few species of Upper Cretaceous mentioned in publications. The good taxonomical analysis of planktic foraminifera will let to make biostratigraphical zonation of Upper Cretaceous rocks of Lithuania. Taxonomical and biostratigraphical information of Upper Cretaceous planktic foraminifera from Lithuania generally would be important because this territory was a shallow marginal part of the Tethys ocean.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2011