Title |
Žmogaus genomo sričių, susijusių su greita ir ilgalaike adaptacija fiziniam krūviui, įvairovės analizė / |
Translation of Title |
Analysis of the variety of human genome loci associated with fast and long–lasting adaptation to the load of physical activity. |
Authors |
Ginevičienė, Valentina |
Full Text |
Pages |
251 |
Keywords [eng] |
heredity ; genetic variants ; physical performance ; professional athletes |
Abstract [eng] |
The genetic diversity of physical capacity in the Lithuanian population has a pattern similar to that of other populations. The knowledge of the individual genomes of the athletes is especially important for sports theory, practice and medicine. This research is devoted to the issue of the effect of genetic factors on the components of sporting physical capacity. We have accumulated a sample of the Lithuanian elite athletes which was studied genetically according to a phenotype. We have created a DNA biobase of the Lithuanian elite athletes of various sporting disciplines and collected information about the genotypes and phenotypes of physical development and functional capacity of the athletes. This is the first time in Lithuania that the elite athletes were investigated according to allelic distribution of 6 candidate gene variants most associated with physical capacity. The genetic diversity of the physical capacity in the Lithuanian population has a pattern manifested by variation in the allele/genotype frequencies of the selected candidate gene markers in the Lithuanian athlete groups and general population. The indexes of physical development and functional capacity of the Lithuanian athletes correspond to the elite levels. Inherited qualities and adaptation to physical loads of the athletes can be assessed by statistical analysis of phenotypic indexes. Each group of athletes investigated had a typical genotype/allele combination. The genotypes of the gene variants studied have different influence on the physical capacity of males and females and are statistically significantly associated with phenotypic indexes. We have also determined that speed and strength qualities are more inherited than acquired compared to the endurance qualities. |
Type |
Doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2010 |