Title Paauglių pirminės arterinės hipertenzijos sąsajos su fizine ir psichine sveikata bei širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizikos veiksniais /
Translation of Title Correlation of primary arterial hypertension in adolescents with physical and mental health as well as with risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
Authors Simanauskas, Kazys
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Pages 60
Keywords [eng] Primary arterial hypertension ; adolescent ; obesity ; platelet activity ; internalizing and externalizing disorders
Abstract [eng] Hypertension is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease and the reason of early death in the world. Growing epidemiology data support a correlation between blood pressure at childhood and adolescence with the incidence of hypertension at adulthood. This is the first study in Lithuania presenting complex assessment of physical and mental health of healthy adolescents as well as of those with primary arterial hypertension. We found out that in case of primary arterial hypertension in adolescence development of early structural and functional changes of internal carotid artery takes place; these changes are determined by arterial hypertension, smoking, alcohol consumption and activity of inflammation process. The influence of arterial hypertension of the platelets aggregation function, reaction of degranulation and formation of platelets-monocytes complexes in adolescents was assessed for the first time. It was demonstrated in the study that arterial hypertension and increased body mass has an effect on behavioural and emotion disorders and may increase cardiovascular risk.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013