Title Influence of Applied Drama Methods on the Moral Competence of Mid-Managers /
Translation of Title Taikomųjų teatro metodų įtaka vidurinės grandies vadovų moralinei kompetencijai.
Authors Medeišienė, Raimonda Agnė
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Pages 66
Keywords [eng] Applied Drama Methods ; Mid-Managers ; Moral Competence
Abstract [eng] Strengthening the moral competence of middle-level managers using impactful educational methods corresponds to the need of public and private sector organizations for innovative interventions in enhancing the leadership abilities and holistic development of middle-level managers. The objective of the dissertation is to reveal the influence of applied drama methods on the moral competence of middle-level managers. The study is conducted within the field of management science but is interdisciplinary in nature. The impact of applied drama methods on the moral competence of middle-level managers is explained through the Dual Aspect Theory (Lind, 2008), Transformative Learning Theory (Mezirow, 1995; 2002), Moral Competence System (De Schrijver and Maesschalck, 2013), Arts-Based Research approach, model of the Art of Ethical Decision Making (Elm, 2014), Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 2011), and the structure of the impact of applied drama methods. The empirical study employs a pre-experimental mixed design research (Kinnear and Taylor, 1996). The intervention is conducted using three applied drama methods: Karl Popper debates, Discussion Theatre, and Forum Theatre. To assess the change in moral competence, a quantitative research instrument is applied (the moral competence test; Lind, 2008), utilizing an arts-based research approach and the method of interviews with actors. Quantitative data analysis is performed using statistical analysis methods, while qualitative evaluation utilizes content analysis (Žydžiūnaitė and Sabaliauskas, 2017; Leavy, 2015; 2018). Based on the results of the empirical study, it can be concluded that Forum Theatre, Discussion Theatre, and Karl Popper debates as applied drama methods are impactful ways to enhance the moral competence of middle-level managers, influencing it through the emotional-cognitive component and linguistic, spatial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences (Gardner, 2011).
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023