Abstract [eng] |
Humanity is important because it is one of the most important, substantial worth of being, which helps people cultivate relationship. It is particulary important for underfives, because at this age moulds personality, it‘s life of spirit. Development of this phenomenon will help to protect from growing cruelty, violence, destruction and any other negative happenings. The object of investigation is humanitarian surrounding in kindergarten process. The goal of investigation is to ascertain humanity evolution presumptions of underfives. In order to reach the goal tehoretical, empyrical and statistical methods were applied. Investigation methods: observation (two educationalists), which helps to settle the model, used for nurturing children, also it‘s influence on humanity expression in kindergarten; in order to ascertain methods used for educating children questionnaire for observed educationalists about their own estimation was invoked. Also questionnaire for pedagogues was applied, to ascertain educationalists‘ opinion relating to sfeguard of children rights in preschool establishment. 40 children and 100 pedagogues were included in investigation. According to investaigation results, obvious that children humanity depends on work methods, models padagogues apply, also creation of humanitarian surrounding in preschool establishment. According to results, we can see that creation of humanitarian surrounding, based on children confidence, safety and consonant relationship is more successful by applying polarized towards children education model, comparing to adaptative, children disciplined model. This becomes obvious by analysing and comparing invoking peculiarities of eduacational methods, applied by two pedagogues, educating in different ways, based on different education models. On the other hand, there were no substantial differences between pedagogues‘ opinions, relating to methods applied at work. In order to discover preschool pedagogues attitude to provisions, consolidated in Children Right Convention, which helps to create humanitarian surrounding, investigation results show that from pedagogues point of view, children attending preschool establishments, have rights to be in humanitarian surrounding. Analysed investigation data shows that pedagogues, without referente to their age, qualification, peadgogical experience, try to ensure children rights in preschool establishments as much as possible. |