Title Current problems of the interaction between international law and the European Union law /
Authors Lysyk, Volodymyr ; Gutnyk, Vitalii ; Burak, Stepan ; Bratsuk, Ivan ; Yavorska, Iryna
DOI 10.46925//rdluz.41.05
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Is Part of Revista de la Universidad del Zulia.. Maracaibo : Universidad del Zulia. 2023, vol. 14, no. 41, p. 82-93.. ISSN 0041-8811. eISSN 2665-0428
Keywords [eng] International law ; European Union ; international organizations ; legal systems ; legal status ; law ; doctrines ; courts
Abstract [eng] The objective of this article is to analyze the problems of the interaction between International Law and the Law of the European Union. In particular, attention is paid to the study of "traditionalist" and "autonomist" approaches to the relationship between International Law and EU Law, the place of EU Law in the international legal order and the international legal aspects of the interaction of EU law and the law of the EU Member States. In the investigation, dialectical, legal-comparative, historical and logical-formal methods were used. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the relationship between EU Law and International Law is difficult to fit into any of the traditional models. On the one hand, EU Law was formed as a component of International Law. On the other hand, although the EU legal order was created on the basis of international treaties, in the process of its development it acquired certain characteristics that are, to a certain extent, characteristic of national legal orders.
Published Maracaibo : Universidad del Zulia
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description