Title |
1944-1953 m. partizanų karas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos istorinėje, politinėje ir teisinėje kultūroje / |
Translation of Title |
The Guerrilla War of 1944-1953 in the Historical, Political and Legal Culture of Contemporary Lithuania. |
Authors |
Gailius, Bernardas |
Full Text |
Pages |
290 |
Keywords [eng] |
guerrilla ; war ; law ; history ; totalitarianism |
Abstract [eng] |
This dissertation for the first time deals exceptionally with the concept of the guerrilla war. The main problem of the research is the influence of the specific concept of the guerrilla war on the political and legal spheres and the role of the soviet indoctrination in the formation of such concept. The dissertation consists of the introduction, four parts, conclusions and the lists of sources and literature. In the first part the influence of the soviet pseudohistorical narrative over the formation of the contemporary historical culture is being discussed. In the second part the efforts to pay political homage to the guerrilla war and the failure of such efforts is being investigated. In the third part it is being argued that the legal practice concerning the former guerrilla fighters stems from the soviet “legal” tradition, this being the consequence of the deformation of the historical culture. In the fourth part the premises for the formation of the alternative concept of the guerrilla war are being considered. The research enables to formulate the conclusions about the consequences of the soviet indoctrination in the culture of contemporary Lithuania and the possible ways to cope with this problem. |
Type |
Doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2009 |