Abstract [eng] |
Benefit and beauty of herbage was envisaged by a famous herbalist E. Simkunaite about which I have written in my graduation dissertation „Memory cherry-tree“. This work is a continuation where art and ethno botany are connected. The last-mentioned attained us from times of paganism. In the academic part of master‘s work is analyzed the symbols of herbage and their creative interpretation is done. Knowledge of nature displays causal links of a human, his living surrounding, his way of living, traditions, manners, history and art. Because herbage are not only a stream of positive feelings but also means of an impact of human‘s physical condition. You have to feel nature with all your entity and body. It‘s the most veriest feeling of nature. E.Simkunaite also said, we don‘t have to regularize nature but we ourselves have to learn how to readjust to it. Nature isn‘t only what we see, smell or can touch. It affects us spiritually. This way, beauty of nature and mysterious element herbage make a solid relation with nature. My aim in this work is to interpret herbage denying a real duplication of nature, setting aside that causes strong feelings: herbage, meows, scrubs, whisper of blooming grass, it is an oasis of bliss and soul. In my creative assemblage to flicker of grass I am looking through a prism of feelings and experience. Human, communicating with other people, passes his experience, knowledge, traditions, other value that change in time, some wither, other form. Also human himself changes. He must be not only that who takes but also cherishes nature. You can say that who notices beauty of nature and enjoys it, will cherish it too. The master‘s work creative part „Herbage“ is meaningful in such way that an onlooker is encouraging to feel an artistic beauty of grass and think about our surrounding. I want to convey fragility and temporality of herbage by gamma of colors and plasticity of texture and shapes. We ought to cherish them and this feeling must companion us all our life wherever we are. We can make little of it but if isn‘t it better to take some health and inspiration from nature? Nature with its goodies is given to us as a gift which we can enjoy and use it. |