Abstract [eng] |
The objective of the research: to ground the model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors. The object of the research: the model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors. Seeking to put the objective of the thesis into life, these tasks were approached: - to generalize the conception of conflict and reasons in scientific literature; - to create the model of controling conflicts on the base of theoretical analysis of literature; - to reveal strategies of controling conflicts; - to ground created model of controling conflicts theoretically; - on the base of research to ground created model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors. Hypotheses. H1. Substantiation of the model controling conflicts is grounded if: - creation of the model will be linked with prevention of conflicts; - the model will be created by bosses or employers; - while creating models, peculiarities of the group (age, nature of work, achievable tasks) and observed weaknesses will be taken into account; - The main component of the model will be analysis of conflict reasons. H2. Models of controling conflicts in different sectors should have similarities and differencies, as: - in the solution of each conflict should the precondition prevail – frankness, mutual confidence and preparation for cooperation, which is different; - arrising conflicts are inclined to be solved not according beforehand made model of controling conflicts; - the model of controling conflicts are grounded on cause and effect analysis. Methods of research: Scientific literature analysis was used in order to reveal comprehension, structure, diversity of types, expose reasons stipulating conflicts and their models, styles of controling conflicts and their dependence on controling style, systematize methods of controling conflicts, present strategies of controling conflicts. The qiestionnaire enabled to reveal strategies of controling conflicts is state and private sectors. Statistical data analysis enabled to process and summarize results of the research. |