Title The Pixel Luminosity Telescope: a detector for luminosity measurement at CMS using silicon pixel sensors /
Authors Ayala, E ; Jarrin, E. Carrera ; Ahmed, I ; Campbell, A ; Danilov, V ; Banos, L. I. Estevez ; Giraldi, A ; Guthoff, M ; Hempel, M ; Henschel, H ; Knolle, J ; Lange, W ; Leonard, J ; Lohmann, W ; Meyer, A. B ; Myronenko, V ; Penno, M ; Ribeiro Lopes, B ; Ruebenach, J ; Saggio, A ; Scheurer, V ; Sosa Ricardo, R. E ; Turkot, O ; Walter, D ; Kassel, F ; Mallows, S ; Bartok, M ; Chudasama, R ; Farkas, K ; Fejes, M ; Gadallah, M. M. A ; Major, P ; Mehta, A ; Pasztor, G ; Radl, A. J ; Veres, G. I ; Bakhshiansohi, H ; Gholami, A ; Khazaie, E ; Sedghi, M ; Zeinali, M ; Fabbri, F ; Tosi, N ; Bacchetta, N ; Trapani, P. P ; Daugalas, Jonas ; Benitez, J. F ; Castaneda Hernandez, A ; Encinas Acosta, H. A ; Gallegos Marinez, L. G ; Leon Coello, M ; Murillo Quijada, J. A ; Sehrawat, A ; Valencia Palomo, L ; Oropeza Barrera, C ; Bheesette, S ; Butler, A. P. H ; Butler, P. H ; Lokhovitskiy, A ; Lujan, P ; Auzinger, G ; Ball, A. H ; Cekmecelioglu, Y. C ; Dabrowski, A ; Damanakis, K ; Donadon Servelle, A ; Eble, F ; Haranko, M ; Hegeman, J ; Kessaci, K ; Kornmayer, A ; Loos, R ; Miraglia, M ; Nicolini, J ; Orfanelli, S ; Orsini, L ; Petrucci, A ; Ryjov, V ; Saariokari, S ; Schwick, C ; Schneider, B ; Tsoukias, S ; Tsrunchev, P ; Wanczyk, J ; Zagozdzinska-Bochenek, A. A ; Zeuner, W. D ; Rohe, T ; Krintiras, G ; Palmer, C ; Jain, Sh ; Mans, J ; Rusack, R ; Bueghly, J ; Chen, Z ; Gunter, T ; Odell, N ; Pozdnyakov, A ; Velasco, M ; Harrop, B ; Higginbotham, S ; Kalogeropoulos, A ; Luo, J ; Marlow, D ; Stickland, D ; Xie, Z ; Bartz, E ; Hidas, D ; Karacheban, O ; Schnetzer, S ; Stone, R ; Acharya, H ; Delannoy, A. G ; Heideman, J ; Karunarathna, N ; Riley, G ; Rose, K ; Spanier, S ; Thapa, K ; Gurrola, A ; Johns, W ; Romeo, F ; Soubasis, B ; Farrow, M. C ; Azhgirey, I ; Ershov, A ; Gribushin, A ; Kaminskiy, A ; Kurochkin, I ; Okhotnikov, V ; Popova, E ; Riabchikova, A ; Selivanova, D ; Shevelev, A
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11713-6
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Is Part of European physical journal C.. New York : Springer. 2023, vol. 83, iss. 7, art. no. 673, p. [1-35].. ISSN 1434-6044. eISSN 1434-6052
Abstract [eng] The Pixel Luminosity Telescope is a silicon pixel detector dedicated to luminosity measurement at the CMS experiment at the LHC. It is located approximately 1.75 m from the interaction point and arranged into 16 “telescopes”, with eight telescopes installed around the beam pipe at either end of the detector and each telescope composed of three individual silicon sensor planes. The per-bunch instantaneous luminosity is measured by counting events where all three planes in the telescope register a hit, using a special readout at the full LHC bunch-crossing rate of 40 MHz. The full pixel information is read out at a lower rate and can be used to determine calibrations, corrections, and systematic uncertainties for the online and offline measurements. This paper details the commissioning, operational history, and performance of the detector during Run 2 (2015–18) of the LHC, as well as preparations for Run 3, which will begin in 2022.
Published New York : Springer
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description