Title The territorial differences of the living standards in Lithuania according to social economical factors /
Translation of Title Gyvenimo lygio teritoriniai skirtumai Lietuvoje pagal socialinius - ekonominius rodiklius.
Authors Verkulevičiūtė, Daiva
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Pages 41
Keywords [eng] living standard ; territorial differences ; social economical factors
Abstract [eng] The aim of the research is to identify territorial differences of the living standards between separate Lithuania municipalities and rural - urban living areas according to the specific of social and economical factors size and dispersion of territory also to clarify the reasons of these differences. It is detailed territorial research in level of municipalities, evaluating the forces which directly and indirectly effect the living standards. The cluster analyzes and grouping involves not only the specific the living standards factors but also the other social economical meanings which helps to define its territorial specific in more adequate way. Municipalities are presented according to the living standards expression and the priorities of resolution of the problems. The territorial distribution of most of the socio-economic phenomena illustrating the standard of living depends on the level of urbanization. It was found that in Lithuania, territorially adjacent municipal groups (clusters) are emerging with the characteristic specificity of occurrence of social and economic indicators illustrating the living standard. The municipal typology by the degree of performance of indicators of the standard of living was carried out, allowing identification of the priorities of problems to be addressed. The maximum state attention should be focused to the municipalities, where the values illustrating living standards are the lowest, and the priority areas of the life raising level should be primarily addressed at increasing opportunities for president, particularly by improving employment and educational opportunities for population living in frontier municipalities with low level of urbanization.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2009