Title Compact terahertz devices based on silicon in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies /
Authors But, Dmytro B ; Chernyadiev, Alexander V ; Ikamas, Kęstutis ; Kołaciński, Cezary ; Krysl, Anastasiya ; Roskos, Hartmut G ; Knap, Wojciech ; Lisauskas, Alvydas
DOI 10.24425/opelre.2023.144599
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Is Part of Opto-electronics review.. Warsaw : Polska Akademia Nauk. 2023, vol. 31, iss. 2, art. no. e144599, p. [1-10].. ISSN 1230-3402. eISSN 1896-3757
Keywords [eng] CMOS ; teraFET ; terahertz ; THz detectors ; THz emitter
Abstract [eng] This paper reports on compact CMOS-based electronic sources and detectors developed for the terahertz frequency range. It was demonstrated that with the achievable noise-equivalent power levels in a few tens of pW/√Hz and the emitted power in the range of 100 µW, one can build effective quasi-optical emitter-detector pairs operating in the 200–266 GHz range with the input power-related signal-to-noise ratio reaching 70 dB for 1 Hz-equivalent noise bandwidth. The applicability of these compact devices for a variety of applications including imaging, spectroscopy or wireless communication links was also demonstrated.
Published Warsaw : Polska Akademia Nauk
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
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