Abstract [eng] |
Names of places or geographical names plany an important part in our living and cultural surroundings. Geographical names help us to identify the location, its features, good and bad sides, which were or are seen by people living there. The shosen topic „Lithuanien and Latvian Citizens‘ Names“ (Comparatyve aspect) is actuale, because people‘s names are litlle researched. In bilingual Lithuanian – Latvian dictionaries this topic is not researched either. The aim of the work is to examine and deseribe citizens‘ names which are fixed in Lithuanian dictionaries and compare them with Latvian citizens‘ names. The material was being analysed by using word building analysis, mathematic methods. The examples were analysed by analytical, descriptyve and coparatyve methods. There are about 300 towers and seflements in Lithuania. In Lithuanian dictionaries are 370 citizens‘names fixed (compounds from dialects and topographic places being included). The majority of these citizens‘ names are of feminina genda thes we can slate that aproximately there are 740 citizens‘ names there. Lithuanian people according to their origin and living place are named in two ways: descriptive and compound. Descriptyve names are made of a few words, i. c. they are compounds. Lithuanian people‘s names are made not only from geographical names and words used in dialectical areas but from topographical objects too Names of such Type are mostly understandable to local people of a concrete area, especialy if the name is connected with the name of a river. The name is more exact when it names a person who lives within the setlement borders. More abstract are such names which are formed within a big dialectical area. Lithuanian and Latvian languages being close relatives have got a lot of common things: words, morphologic forms, construction, etc. The both languages when forming people‘s names some suffixes dominate less, others – more. Here exist the same ways of formation. In „The Dictionary of Lituanien language“ Lithuanian names haves got varions suffixes, wgich are rarely found in „The Dictionary of Lithuanian – Latvian Languages“ they are not mentioned at all. Analysis of textual material shaved that suffixes -ietis, -ė, -iškis, -ė which are used more often are formed from big Lithuanian place names. Their use is determined by their popularity and actuality today. It is necessary to pay attention to freguent use of these two suffixes. The fact that not all suffixes are included to the textual material gives us an apportunity to suppose that in time being some suffixes can disappear. |