Title Analytical model for performability evaluation of Practical Byzantine Fault-Tolerant systems /
Authors Marcozzi, Marco ; Mostarda, Leonardo
DOI 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121838
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Is Part of Expert systems with applications.. Oxford : Pergamon - Elsevier Ltd.. 2024, vol. 238, part. A, art. no. 121838, p. [1-10].. ISSN 0957-4174. eISSN 1873-6793
Keywords [eng] Byzantine consensus protocol ; Fault-Tolerant systems ; Performability model ; Stochastic processes ; Blockchain
Abstract [eng] Designing systems tolerant to faults is crucial to assure continuity of service for mission critical applications. However, their implementation may be costly and challenging. In this study, analytical models are presented for performance evaluation of systems equipped with Practical Byzantine Fault-Tolerant consensus protocols. Byzantine Fault Tolerance is particularly compelling, since it can provide a robust consensus mechanism to implement decentralized platforms, like Decentralized Ledger Technology and, notably, blockchains. The performability model is based on continuous-time Markov chains, in which the processes involved follow the exponential distribution. The numerical results presented report an inverse non-linear relation between number of nodes and performability. Performance decreases also as the ratio between break-down rate and repair rate increases.
Published Oxford : Pergamon - Elsevier Ltd
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description