Abstract [eng] |
The Milky Way is a huge system that consist of 100–400 billion stars, interstellar gas and dust, cosmic rays, electromagnetic radiation, interstellar magnetic fields, gravitational fields, dark matter. In spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, most of the dust and gas is to be found within relatively thin gaseous disk, with a thickness of a few hundred parsecs, and within this disk nearly all of the star formation takes place. Among the least investigated directions in the Milky Way are the dark clouds in the Camelopardalis constellation. The distances of the clouds and their extinction are known with a low accuracy and only in some occasional directions. Straižys & Laugalys (2007, 2008) described a ring-like concentration of dust clouds located at the border of the Perseus, Camelopardalis, and Auriga constellations, which is perfectly seen in the Dobashi et al. (2005) atlas of dark clouds. The ring has a diameter of ∼8º and is centered on the open cluster NGC 1528. Trying to test physical reality of this dust ring, we decided to investigate distances to its clouds, extinction properties, and star formation activity. The method of investigation is based on Vilnius, 2MASS and WISE photometry of stars in 3 selected 1.5 deg2 areas centered on dust cloud TGU H994 P1, H II region Sh2-205 and star cluster King 7. CCD photometry of 4355 stars in the Vilnius seven-color photometric system was performed. Observations were made in Molėtai observatory with Maksutov telescope and with 1.8 meter VATT telescope on Mt. Graham, USA. Two-dimensional spectral types, interstellar extinction and distances for most of the observed stars were determined. The interstellar extinction run with distance and star formation activity in all investigated areas were determined. The main results of the investigation are published in three papers in ,,Baltic Astronomy“ and two papers in ,,Astronomy & Astrophysics“. The use of the Simbad (CDS), NED (NASA), SkyView (NASA), and CO Data Archive (Smithsonian AO Radio Telescope Data Center) databases is acknowledged. |