Title |
Šturmo ir Liuvilio uždavinio su integraline nelokaliąja sąlyga spektro tyrimas / |
Translation of Title |
Investigation of the spectrum for Sturm–Liouville problem with a nonlocal integral boundary condition. |
Authors |
Skučaitė, Agnė |
Full Text |
Pages |
27 |
Keywords [eng] |
Sturm–Liouville problem ; investigation of the spectrum ; eigenvalues |
Abstract [eng] |
In the thesis the spectrum of differential and discrete Sturm–Liouville problem with one classical condition on the left side of the interval and different type integral nonlocal boundary condition on the right side of the interval is investigated. For differential problem we explore the dependence of poles, zeroes, constant eigenvalue points and critical points on parameters in the integral nonlocal boundary conditions. Also we find different type critical points and their trajectories in Phase Space. For discrete Sturm–Liouville problem the integral nonlocal boundary condition was approximated by trapezoidal or Simpson’s rules. The influences of number of the grid points for spectrum structure was investigated. Some properties of Spectrum Curves, critical points, poles and constant eigenvalues are found. As the theoretical investigation of the complex spectrum is a very difficult problem, we present some results of modelling and computational analysis and illustrate the existing situation in graphs. |
Dissertation Institution |
Vilniaus universitetas. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2016 |