Title Measures of longitudinal immune dysfunction and risk of AIDS and non-AIDS defining malignancies in antiretroviral treated people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) /
Authors Chammartin, Frédérique ; Mocroft, Amanda ; Egle, Alexander ; Zangerle, Robert ; Smith, Colette ; Mussini, Cristina ; Wit, Ferdinand ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; d’Arminio Monforte, Antonella ; Castagna, Antonella ; Bailly, Laurent ; Bogner, Johannes ; de Wit, Stéphane ; Matulionytė, Raimonda ; Law, Matthew ; Svedhem, Veronica ; Tallada, Joan ; Garges, Harmony P ; Marongiu, Andrea ; Borges, Álvaro H ; Jaschinski, Nadine ; Neesgaard, Bastian ; Ryom, Lene ; Bucher, Heiner C ; Wit, F ; van der Valk, M ; Hillebregt, M ; Petoumenos, K ; Law, M ; Zangerle, R ; Appoyer, H ; Stephan, C ; Bucht, M ; Chkhartishvili, N ; Chokoshvili, O ; d’Arminio Monforte, A ; Rodano, A ; Tavelli, A ; Fanti, I ; Casabona, J ; Miro, J M ; Llibre, J M ; Riera, A ; Reyes-Urueña, J ; Smith, C ; Lampe, F ; Sönnerborg, A ; Falconer, K ; Svedhem, V ; Günthard, H ; Ledergerber, B ; Bucher, H ; Kusejko, K ; Wasmuth, J C ; Rockstroh, J ; Vehreschild, J J ; Fätkenheuer, G ; Ryom, L ; Campo, R ; De Wit, S ; Garges, H ; Lundgren, J ; McNicholl, I ; Rooney, J ; Vannappagari, V ; Wandeler, G ; Young, L ; Begovac, J ; Bruguera, A ; Castagna, A ; D’Arminio Monforte, A ; Dedes, N ; Kowalska, J ; Mussini, C ; Necsoi, C ; Peters, L ; Pradier, C ; Raben, D ; Volny Anne, A ; Williams, E D ; Mocroft, A ; Neesgaard, B ; Greenberg, L ; Jaschinski, N ; Timiryasova, A ; Bansi-Matharu, L ; Tusch, E ; Bannister, W ; Roen, A ; Byonanebye, D ; Fursa, O ; Pelchen-Matthews, A ; Reekie, J ; Svedhem-Johansson, V ; Van der Valk, M ; Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, K ; Hoy, J ; Bloch, M ; Braun, D ; Calmy, A ; Schüttfort, G ; Youle, M ; Zona, S ; Antinori, A ; Bolokadze, N ; Fontas, E ; Dollet, K ; Schwarze-Zander, C ; Hutchinson, J ; Duvivier, C ; Dragovic, G ; Radoi, R ; Oprea, C ; Vasylyev, M ; Matulionyte, R ; Mulabdic, V ; Marchetti, G ; Kuzovatova, E ; Coppola, N ; Aho, I ; Martini, S ; Harxhi, A ; Wæhre, T ; Pharris, A ; Vassilenko, A ; Bogner, J ; Maagaard, A ; Jablonowska, E ; Elbirt, D ; Marrone, G ; Leen, C ; Wyen, C ; Dahlerup Rasmussen, L ; Hatleberg, C ; Kundro, M ; Dixon Williams, E ; Gallant, J ; Cohen, C ; Dunbar, M ; Marongiu, A ; Mendao, L ; Valdenmaier, O ; Larsen, J F ; Gardizi, M ; Elsing, T W ; Ramesh Kumar, L ; Shahi, S ; Andersen, K
DOI 10.1093/cid/ciad671
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Is Part of Clinical infectious diseases.. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 2024, vol. 78, iss. 4, p. 995-1004.. ISSN 1058-4838. eISSN 1537-6591
Keywords [eng] CD4:CD8 ratio ; HIV infection ; malignancy ; observational study ; antiretroviral therapy
Abstract [eng] Background. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection leads to chronic immune activation/inflammation that can persist in virally suppressed persons on fully active antiretroviral therapy (ART) and increase risk of malignancies. The prognostic role of low CD4:CD8 ratio and elevated CD8 cell counts on the risk of cancer remains unclear. Methods. We investigated the association of CD4:CD8 ratio on the hazard of non-AIDS defining malignancy (NADM), AIDSdefining malignancy (ADM) and most frequent group of cancers in ART-treated people with HIV (PWH) with a CD4 and CD8 cell counts and viral load measurements at baseline. We developed Cox proportional hazard models with adjustment for known confounders of cancer risk and time-dependent cumulative and lagged exposures of CD4:CD8 ratio to account for timeevolving risk factors and avoid reverse causality. Results. CD4:CD8 ratios below 0.5, compared to above 1.0, were independently associated with a 12-month time-lagged higher risk of ADM and infection-related malignancies (adjusted hazard ratio 2.61 [95% confidence interval {CI }1.10–6.19] and 2.03 [95% CI 1.24–3.33], respectively). CD4 cell counts below 350 cells/μL were associated with an increased risk of NADMs and ADMs, as did infection, smoking, and body mass index-related malignancies. Conclusions. In ART-treated PWH low CD4:CD8 ratios were associated with ADM and infection-related cancers independently from CD4 and CD8 cell counts and may alert clinicians for cancer screening and prevention of NADM.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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