Title Development, testing and implementation of quality assurance model for laboratory assays /
Translation of Title Laboratorinių tyrimų kokybės užtikrinimo modelio sukūrimas, išbandymas ir įdiegimas.
Authors Vitkus, Dalius
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] quality assurance ; quality system ; clinical chemistry ; lean ; process improvement
Abstract [eng] Comparability of QC and native sample test results, performed on separate instruments or by different measurement procedures at the same laboratory was investigated and evaluated. Quality of laboratory investigations was studied by original way – not only through the analytical quality control and assurance, but also through the workflow in different laboratory activities and process improvement. Process improvement implementing lean thinking was performed for the very first time in Lithuania. Simple and practical model for quality assurance in routine clinical laboratories under rapidly changing laboratory environment was developed. Model for quality assurance for the laboratory of clinical chemistry consist of internal QC based on concept of biological variation, EQA schemes, where reference materials are used, or target values for analytes are assigned by reference measurement procedures, split–sample testing for the evaluation of internal reproducibility within the laboratory process improvement by lean.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010